Friday, December 10, 2010

Operation Gratitude

Today I did not come to class until later because I had certain things to get done. However when I came to school later I found that our letters were still being collected. Mrs. Clazie collected an envelope full and I'm sure that would make the whole class happy to hear. It makes us proud to see posters on the wall and our support for the troops now it's just time for us to wait and see how much letters we can collect.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Operation Gratitude

Our community project to thank the soldiers has been going ok at the moment, even though we only have around 170 letters those letters are good ones that will make soldiers feel better about who they are as individuals. In the end what's important is quality and not quantity. I don't know if we are done campaigning because the classrooms we've gone to aren't growing in numbers but I've suggested to a couple of teachers so we can keep on informing people what we are doing. Mrs. Naif was happy with what we were doing and was proud that we came so that we could inform her class.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Operation Gratitude Continued

Today our group went to Mrs. Naif's ceramics class first period to inform them about our school wide thanks to soldiers. In fact the word has been growing bigger and greater than anticipated. in fact during Ap Lit., Mrs Clazie passed out some of the papers we had used to write some letters and I wrote another one to a soldier. It's great that we are doing this and tommorrow we'll try going out to more classrooms to raise awareness.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Operation Gratitude

Today during class we went out to other teachers classrooms to present what we had been working on for the past week, which was to get the 1000 letters to soldiers fighting for our country. During lunch some of us where at the booth getting people to send their own apreciations. I'm excited because we have a lot of work left to complete the goal but at the same time we hit the first day starting strong.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Operation Gratitude

Today in groups we discussed how we were going to go about telling other people in classes about this plan we have to send troops "Thank you" letters. Jorge Cortez, Chris Ashmore, and I are going to make it natural and explain what we are trying to do in terms of our goals to get letters from at least 1000 people. Likely there will be a few who won't listen to us but we''ll do our best.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Operation Gratitude

Today I finished up a poster that I was working on in class. The Poster says"Thank them for all that they do!". It was funny because Mrs. Clazie who is very patriotic and has a son in Afghanistan had a poster near her door or a flyer I think and I know the whole operation would probably sit well with her. I will make another poster on monday Since I saw very few up today around school.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Community Service Project

The song I thought about doing has been cancelled due to a busy schedule and a lack of time. I instead have put efforts into finding out what things can be shipped to the U.S. troops. The letters that are sent to troops have to be positive, uplifting, and all about the appreciation to the soldiers who serve the United States.